
How to Tell It's Time To Upgrade Your Website in 2022

website upgrade

Updating your website can be stressful. You know you need to improve your website's performance, but what's the best approach. Just as your business evolves and develops, your website needs to do the same. Here are some options you can consider in deciding how to update your online presense in... keep reading about How to Tell It's Time To Upgrade Your Website in 2022

Website Metrics and Which Ones Matter

website analytics

On the surface, website metrics seem to be telling you a lot about your website. Lots of traffic and pageviews may indicate that your website is performing optimally. But it’s not always obvious which metrics best reflect how a site actually performs in terms of achieving your business and marketing goals.... keep reading about Website Metrics and Which Ones Matter

How to Build an App for Your Ecommerce Business

ecommerce app

You have a successful ecommerce website, but you want to expand your footprint, connect with new audiences and engage your customers when they are not at their computers. Launching an ecommerce app, may be the right solution for you.

But how do you create an ecommerce app that builds up... keep reading about How to Build an App for Your Ecommerce Business

Common SEO Mistakes You May Be About To Make

seo strategy

Designing a new business website is one of the most important activities a business can undertake. The branding has to be right as well as the design. Choosing the right CMS and developer is crucial. And then there’s content.

With so much to worry about already, a solid SEO strategy... keep reading about Common SEO Mistakes You May Be About To Make

How to Improve Your Website’s Sales Landing Pages

landing page

Sales landing pages are key to converting traffic to your website into sales and leads. A great landing page can make a huge difference in performance, while a poor landing page...well you know where this is going.

A landing page is a web page dedicated to converting leads. Often a... keep reading about How to Improve Your Website’s Sales Landing Pages

Boost Mobile Performance with AMP Pages

Since the third quarter of 2019, mobile devices have accounted for over 50% of global website traffic. Phones are increasingly becoming shoppers' primary way to browse the internet. With this shift in web traffic comes a shift in website design. That shift is AMP pages, websites whose code and design... keep reading about Boost Mobile Performance with AMP Pages

How To Tell It's Time To Overhaul Your Website / 2021 Website Overhaul Checklist

website upgrade

In the past six months, has your website:

  • Run or load slowly?
  • Not converted well?
  • Crashed frequently?
  • Become difficult to edit?
  • Doesn't show up in search results?
  • Had declining traffic?

If so, 2021 may be the year to overhaul your website.

Regardless of how well a website is maintained,... keep reading about How To Tell It's Time To Overhaul Your Website / 2021 Website Overhaul Checklist

Google Analytics Updates—What They Are and How to Activate Them

Google Analytics

We've previously talked about marketing KPIs because tracking performance is necessary to judge your business's health, growth areas, and problem areas. A popular way to do that is Google Analytics, a free website performance dashboard that recently underwent two major upgrades.


What is it

Google Analytics connects to... keep reading about Google Analytics Updates—What They Are and How to Activate Them

What Is HTTP/3 And Why It’s Coming Soon To a Website Near You


HTTP, one of the foundation applications that powers the Web, is getting an upgrade. HTTP handles information requests and transfers between web browsers (that’s you) and web servers (where the website you want to browse or shop on lives).

But what does this mean for businesses and consumers using the Internet?... keep reading about What Is HTTP/3 And Why It’s Coming Soon To a Website Near You

Social Media: Current Trends and Marketing Opportunities

social media trends

Social media is a constantly evolving and expanding landscape. It can be hard to keep track of and even harder to manage accounts on every platform. Each social media site has its own culture; learning how to integrate and while building an understanding of the offerings available to brands is... keep reading about Social Media: Current Trends and Marketing Opportunities

Upgrade to Google’s Dynamic Tagging Solution for Better Site Measurement

dynamic tagging solution

To better measure all online conversions on your website, upgrade your website tracking from your current Google Analytics tag (analytics.js) to the latest tag (gtag.js). The new solution offers a number of added benefits and enhancements, including:

  • More accurate conversion measurement
  • Future-proof conversion measurement
  • Code-less tag management
  • Faster and easier
  • ...

The Benefits of a LAMP Stack

A software stack is a set of systems or components needed to build complex platforms such as dynamic websites and web applications. Programs and applications run on top of each other using compatible code. While a variety of software stacks exist, LAMP is the industry standard. It powers WordPress, ... keep reading about The Benefits of a LAMP Stack

Tracking Marketing Results With KPIs

digital marketing kpi

Marketing is a must for any business. People can’t buy your products or services unless they are aware they exist, but that doesn’t mean every form of marketing is right for your business. How do you determine if your marketing plan is working?

Simple. Track the results.

The question then... keep reading about Tracking Marketing Results With KPIs

How to Hijack Competitor SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a collection of tactics used to elevate your website's organic ranking on search engines such as Google and Bing. Due to the enormous benefits of being on the first page of results, with an even larger advantage to those who rank in the top three,... keep reading about How to Hijack Competitor SEO

Speed Suckers: What's Slowing Your Website's Speed

slow web page speed

We've all experienced frustration with a slow loading website, finally giving up and going to another page. For a business, long load times are a two-punch KO. Not only do customers leave your site before making a purchasing or completing another type of desired action, but slow speeds also... keep reading about Speed Suckers: What's Slowing Your Website's Speed