
5 Important Benefits of Flat Web Design

The flat design trend continues to go strong in 2017, with improved loading speed, attention-grabbing visuals, optimum mobile responsiveness, and ease of execution for developers. Avatar New York shares five benefits of flat web design.

  1. Simpler and quicker execution for developers. Flat design embraces simplicity, eliminating time-consuming visual tasks such as creating and integrating background textures and highly detailed images and animations into web pages. Additionally, by emphasizing simple, straightforward design interfaces, flat designs are also easier optimize across devices, from desktops to mobile phone, potentially increasing the speed to launch.

  2. Attention-grabbing text. With a focus on bold, contrasting colors, clear and prominent text, and minimal visual distractions, flat web design makes text and CTAs pop. Flat web design utilizes color, white space, and bold typography, making the most important bits of information the hero of the page.

  3. Positive impact on loading speed. Simpler graphics with reduced file sizes can have a big impact on loading time. Speedier loading leads to a better user experience and better ranking in search engines.

  4. Ideal for mobile responsiveness. Flat design most typically employs scalable vector graphics that are quickly and easily resized by browsers, making sites more efficient for mobile device usage. Flat design minimizes browser performance issues with fewer features that need resizing for mobile use. Additionally, consider the ability to view flat design on a small screen versus a site with many visual distractions.

  5. Positive impact on SEO. Factors such as a simple interface, mobile responsiveness, and fast loading graphics boost a brand's image in the eyes of web crawlers. Search engines value sites that provide a good user experience and these factors encourage web crawling and result in higher SEO rankings.

Avatar New York is an innovating, award-winning web design New York firm dedicated to providing clients with responsive websites that help grow brands and convert visitors to customers. With an expertise in web development, branding, cloud hosting, mobile app development, and CMS and e-commerce solutions, Avatar New York's top tier designers have the ability to create intelligent websites for any type of business.