
5 Ways WordPress Can Boost Brand Awareness

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Website content management systems are vital tools for businesses to enable efficient one-stop management of website elements and digital content marketing. Beyond being an easy-to-use program with a huge community and a vast sea of capabilities, WordPress, a go-to, open-source website, and content creation and management tool helps businesses to drive important business objectives, including increasing brand awareness.

  1. Content publication features a wide array of available plug-ins designed to organize, disseminate, and elevate content. Content marketing is among the greatest means of driving brand awareness and traffic to businesses, and within that realm, personalized content drives the greatest level of engagement. WordPress has an extraordinarily rich library of plug-ins designed to improve a brand’s content marketing. Plug-ins such as the Curated List Manager for multi-category link and content organization, the Curated Twitter Aggregator for the merging and displaying of tweets, hashtags, and profiles to your site, and the Monarch plug-in to enhance social media sharing functionality, all drive engagement through improved content marketing capabilities. These along with numerous other plug-ins designed to improve content marketing, such as the related post plug-in, old post revision plug-in, and many more, make the WordPress CMS a brand-awareness-driving powerhouse.

  2. Built-in SEO optimization. It’s difficult to build brand awareness when the audience cannot see you online. SEO optimization places a business higher up in search engine query results to drive organic traffic, increases online visibility throughout multiple platforms, and enables easy social sharing to build brand recognition further. WordPress comes equipped with built-in SEO optimization, taking some of the pressure of marketers looking to optimize every piece of content individually. Additionally, WordPress coding is streamlined, without excessive HTML coding. This makes search engine indexing easy for improved search engine ranking.

  3. Easy updating Updating. digital content consistently is important to drive brand awareness, but doing so can take a lot of time and energy. WordPress content is quick and simple to update, making digital outreach easy. WordPress indexing updates keep time with changes for digital visibility on search engines for a one-two punch to increase engagement. WordPress pages are fully customizable and easy to update, making it simple for brands and marketers to consistently update content, prompting web-crawling for an added SEO boost while making it easy to frequently re-engage the audience to build brand recognition and drive traffic.

  4. WordPress is equipped to leverage social media. WordPress understands the power of social media in driving brand awareness and is equipped to deliver. Automatic social media integration makes it easy to engage the audience on social platforms where users spend much time and are prone to engage with brands through click-throughs, liking, following, and sharing. WordPress also makes it easy to encourage widespread sharing of content through the distribution of customizable and quality URLs.

  5. Easy to implement visuals. WordPress enables easy integration of visual components through a drag and drop feature that allows brands to spruce up their posts with attention-catching visuals. Visuals command attention, add perceived value to a post, and encourage engagement such as social media sharing which expands audience reach greatly.

Avatar New York is an innovating, award-winning web design New York firm dedicated to providing clients with responsive websites that help grow brands and convert visitors to customers. With an expertise in web development, branding, cloud hosting, mobile app development, and CMS and e-commerce solutions, Avatar New York's top-tier designers have the ability to create intelligent websites for any type of business.