
The Importance of Web Design on E-Commerce Metrics

ecommerce website design

Web design affects how customers perceive your brand. A poorly designed website can cause visitors to view your company as less credible. It can even reduce the likelihood they visit your site a second time. Therefore, it is essential to invest in a quality web design. Expert web design firm, Avatar, discusses why having an excellent web design is vital.

A great web design can enhance usability perceptions. Even if your site isn't user-friendly, an attractive web design can make it appear easier to navigate. Visitors will be more likely to view your website and your company favorably as a result. When visitors hold favorable perceptions of your site and your company, you're more likely to make a sale.

Web design increases the length of time visitors spend on your site. The more attractive your site, the more time consumers are likely to spend on it. Your opportunity to generate new sales increases when visitors spend more time with the content on your website.

Web design taps into buying emotions. High-quality web design uses visuals to cultivate feelings that inspire and engage. Because consumers frequently use emotional reasoning when deciding to buy, using a web design that cultivates buying emotions can encourage customers to make a purchase.

Web design positions your products to sell. Featuring your products in optimal positions on your site, and with bright visuals, increases the likelihood that customers view your products favorably. Products associated with positive impressions are more likely to sell.

Web design may reduce costs down the road. If customers like how your site looks and feels, they may be more likely to go easier on you if they have a problem with your product or service down the road. This leeway can reduce the number of products that are returned. It could also help you manage your reputation.

Avatar New York Web Design is an innovating, award-winning web design New York firm dedicated to providing clients with responsive websites that help grow brands and convert visitors to customers. With an expertise in web development, branding, cloud hosting, mobile app development, and CMS and e-commerce solutions, Avatar New York's top tier designers have the ability to create intelligent websites for any type of business.
