
5 Ways to Reduce Website Friction

Have you ever visited a website and had a hard time finding what you were looking for? Or maybe the website was so slow that it made you want to give up?

This is often caused by friction on the website. Friction can be defined as anything that makes it difficult for a visitor to interact with your site. In this article, we will discuss five ways to reduce friction on your website and improve the user experience.

1. Improve the Website Design

The first step to reducing friction on your website is to improve the design. A well-designed website will be easy to navigate and use. It will also load quickly and be responsive on all devices.

  • Some things to keep in mind when designing your website:
  • Navigation should be simple and easy to understand
  • Use clear and concise text
  • Include plenty of white space
  • Use images sparingly
  • Choose a clean, professional font

If you are not a designer, there are plenty of resources available to help you create a beautiful website. Figma is a great resource for creating professional designs without any prior experience.

2. Increase Your Website Speed

Another way to reduce friction on your website is to increase the speed. A fast website will keep visitors from getting frustrated and leaving.

  • There are a few things you can do to improve your website speed:
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Optimize your images
  • Minimize JavaScript and CSS
  • Enable browser caching
  • Use a faster web host

3. Make Conversion Options Simple and Obvious

If you want visitors to take a specific action on your website, make sure the conversion options are simple and obvious. Don’t make visitors search for the buy button or contact form.

Some things to keep in mind when designing your conversion options:

  • Make the call-to-action (CTA) clear and visible
  • Use contrasting colors for the CTA
  • Use persuasive language for the CTA
  • Include only one CTA per page

Make the process as simple as possible. Visitors should be able to complete the desired action without too much effort. If it’s a complex process, consider breaking it up into steps or simplifying it. Complex forms can also cause friction. If a form is too long or difficult to understand, visitors will likely give up and leave.

4. Offer Multiple Payment Methods

If you are selling products or services on your website, offer multiple payment methods. This will make it easier for visitors to complete a purchase and reduce friction.

Some common payment methods to consider:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Amazon Pay
  • Stripe

Offering multiple payment options will also increase your chances of conversion as you are catering to different preferences. Some people prefer to use PayPal, while others may only have a credit card. By offering multiple options, you’ll be able to capture more sales.

5. Add a Progress Bar to Forms

If you have a long form on your website, consider adding a progress bar. This will let visitors know how much longer the form will take to complete and reduce frustration.

A progress bar is a simple way to improve the user experience on your website and can be easily added with most form plugins. Gravity Forms is a great plugin that allows you to add a progress bar to your forms with just a few clicks.

Need Help With Website Creation?

If you need help creating a website that is frictionless, we can help. Our team of experts can create a custom website for your business that is beautiful, fast, and easy to use. Contact us today to get started.

Avatar New York Web Design is an award-winning, web design and development company specializing in website design, custom development, digital marketing, and managed web hosting.