
3 Ways To Incorporate A User Friendly Experience Into E-Commerce Web Design

In an era of instant gratification and fast working technology, people today are programmed to expect results and solutions without delay. If you can’t give your consumers what they’re looking for in a timely manner, you can (and will) potentially lose their business. Avatar New York explains the importance of a user friendly experience in e-commerce web design:

1. Provide compelling information: Too much emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO) can make your website less digestible for customers. Write to your target, HUMAN audience, and explain exactly what you offer and why you’re the right choice among competition. Take the time to develop content for your site that is easy to read and understand for viewers first, and then worry about cleverly incorporating SEO elements.

2. Efficient transactions: To say we live in a fast-paced society is an understatement. In order to effectively generate sales, you will want the checkout process to be as quick and painless as possible. Make sure to utilize an efficient hosting platform that will provide users with a quick, simple, and successful experience for every transaction.

3. Offer accessible and exceptional customer service: Online customer service is necessary when delivering a digital shopping experience. For simple and more complex customer questions, you will need to provide them with a friendly and knowledgeable customer service staff who can address their needs. Whether this means including a customer service portal/chat option on the website or forwarding them over to a social media page or email address, make sure to provide assistance for those giving you business.

A positive user experience (UX) is key when it comes to successfully providing customers with great products and services as well as a resource for repeat business. For building or fixing your e-commerce website’s design and functionality, contact the professionals at Avatar New York today.

Avatar New York is an innovating, award-winning New York web design firm dedicated to providing clients with responsive websites that help grow brands and convert visitors to customers. With an expertise in web development, branding, cloud hosting, mobile app development, and CMS and e-commerce solutions, Avatar New York's top tier designers have the ability to create intelligent websites for any type of business.